Black Men Run + Saucony = Runner of the Month – October 2017

Congratulation to the Saucony + Black Men Run | Runner Of The Month for September, Mr. James Tyus from BMR NYC. Thank you to James and his story in his own words is below:

I never planned to be a runner, but my journey started six years ago when I went to my regular doctor’s visit and was diagnosed with high blood pressure.  It took me awhile to process that, but he’s the professional, so I took it in stride.  The doctor then asked if I incorporated any cardio in my everyday workout routine, which I replied “no” because of a knee injury that required surgery some years back.  He suggested maybe running a few miles twice a week which would help and in my mind I thought he was crazy, but I took his advice anyway.  I went out and started running one block at a time, then it became one mile at a time and now it is a part of my everyday routine.

Thanks to my doctor’s advice, I’ve been able to manage and lower my blood pressure.  If it weren’t for running, I would have never met the men of “Black Men Run (BMR).”  A friend of mine started taking notice of my running and suggested I check out the BMR website.  I was hesitant, at first, because I was satisfied with running on my own.  I then reached out Captain Kovon Flowers, and he informed me that they met up on Sundays for runs.  So I decided to come and the brothers welcomed me with open arms.  To me BMR is more than just a run group, it’s a Brotherhood. Being around a bunch of brothers who have the same goals as you is a beautiful thing.  You’re just not learning how to run, you’ll also be inspired to win in life.  This group of brothers consist of great fathers, sons, brothers, and uncles with a broad range of different professional experiences.  Our networking and our bond is something that I will always treasure.  I’ve made wonderful connections with the brothers of BMR from all around the country.  We all lift and inspire each other and if that’s not what you call being my Brother’s Keeper, I don’t know what is.

I’m grateful for being chosen and as my Captain would say, Love is Love.

Thanks again from your brother. . . .Nighthawk.