Hampton Roads Virginia

Weekly Meetups

Every Sunday morning @6:30 AM (beginning of summer/6a mid summer/fall and 7a winter)

Rotating Meetup Locations

Elizabeth River Trail- Norfolk

Suffolk Seaboard Trail-Suffolk

Noland Trail-Newport News

Ft. Monroe-Hampton

For information about joining us on group runs, request to join our Black Men Run Hampton Roads VA Facebook group page and also follow us on Instagram. Looking forward to running, jogging and walking with you!

Join the Black Men Run VA Beach Facebook group page for updates and additional information https://www.facebook.com/groups/bmrhamptonroadsva/

Head Captain -Terrel White – [email protected]

Vice-Captain – Victor Whitehead – [email protected]

Vice-Captain – Kenneth Allen – [email protected]

Vice-Captain – Basil Rowell – [email protected]

Black Men Run, a healthy brotherhood!

Participation in runs is voluntary and up to the discretion of the individual. Black Men Run, Inc. is not liable for any injuries that may occur as a results of joining a group in your city. Please run safely and obey traffic laws.