Atlanta Runs

Weekly Group Runs
- Monday nights @6:30 PM Hop City – 1000 White St SW Atlanta, GA 30310 West End.
- Bi-Weekly Saturday Group Run @7:30AM – Locations Change for each Saturday run.
1. For our weekly group runs, please arrive by 6:15pm and we will start no later than 6:30 beginning the run.
2. Our runs will be paced and you will have a pace leader. We have a number of people running at different skills levels. Some people have run marathons and others have trouble running to their mailboxes. We will have pace leaders starting with 7 minute milers and going up from there so don’t be alarmed because you will not get left.
3. We will all meet back at the start at 7:30pm to debrief and talk about the next run and any housekeeping issues.
For further information about joining us on group runs, request to join our Black Men Run Atlanta Facebook group page and also follow us on Instagram. Looking forward to running, jogging and walking with you!
Ways to follow our ATL Chapter (Founding Chapter) Join Black Men Run Atlanta
- Atlanta
- Follow us on Instagram
- Events:
- Strava:
Head Captain – Mark Monroe – [email protected]

Vice Captain – Lamar Burt

Vice Captain – Ernest Cooper

Vice Captain – Eric Duncan

Vice Captain – Garfield Peart

Black Men Run, a healthy brotherhood!

Participation in group runs is voluntary and up to the discretion of the individual. Black Men Run, Inc. is not liable for any injuries that may occur as a results of joining a group in your city. Please run safely and obey traffic laws.